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拱手礼让:拱手是传统礼仪当中最基本大礼仪,古代童子入学第一课必学拱手。拱手是中国人传统的见面礼, 其历史非常悠久。传统汉族的拱手一般作为一种仪态,坐立时将手拱合在身前,表示礼貌,清代以后逐渐将拱手作为一种礼仪动作,用到生活当中,另外传统拱手样式并非抱拳样式,清代以后拱手样式逐渐变为抱拳样式。



(来源:文章屋网 )


释义:张:看。形容这里那里地到处看;解释: 向四处张望。形容心神不安地到处看;出 处: 明·冯梦龙《喻世明言》:“三巧儿只为信了卖卦先生之语,一心只想丈夫回来,此时经常走向前楼,在帘内东张西望;”用法联合式;作谓语、状语,含贬义;近义词:左顾右盼、三心二意、东观西望;反义词:一心一意、聚精会神、目不转睛、目不斜视。

(来源:文章屋网 http://www.wzu.com)


理屈词穷 :理屈词穷是一个成语,意思是谓因理亏而无言以对;理正词直:理正词直是成语,指道理正当,言词朴直;理屈词穷:理屈词穷是一个成语,意思是谓因理亏而无言以对。理尽词穷:指再也找不到理由,无话可说;理穷词屈:屈:短,亏;穷:尽;由于理亏而无话可说。

(来源:文章屋网 https://www.wzu.com)


One afternoon, when he finished his work and 3 go home, he found a film ticket under the 4 on his desk. He thought he 5 to have not much work to do that day and 6 was quite wonderful to pass the 7 at the cinemA.So he came back home and 8 finished his supper. Then he said 9 to us and left.

But to our 10 , he came back about half an hour later, I 11 him what was the matter. He smiled and told us about 12 funny thing that had happened at the cinema.

When my father was sitting in his seat, a 13 came to my father’s and said that the seat was 14 . My father was surpriseD.He took out the ticket 15 looked at it carefully. It was Row17, 16 . And then he looked at the seat. It was the same. So he asked her 17 her ticket. She took out the ticket at once and the seat shown in it was Row 17, Seat 3.

18 ? What’s the matter with all this? While they were wondering suddenly the woman said, “The 19 of the tickets are different.” So they looked at the ticket more carefully. After a while, my father said, “Oh, 20 , I made a mistake. My ticket is for the film a month ago. Take this seat, please.” With these words, he left the cinema.

1. A.little money B.much money C.little time D.much time

2. A.a funny story B.a good story C.an old story D.a strange story

3. A.was to B.was about to C.had to D.ought

4. A.box B.book C.glass D.paper

5. A.happened B.liked C.pretended D.wanted

6. A.it B.this C.that D.which

7. A.morning B.afternoon C.day D.evening

8. A.early B.quietly C.quickly D.suddenly

9. A.hello B.good-bye C.good evening D.good night

10.A.disappointment B.joy C.sorrow D.surprise

11.A.asked B.explained C.told D.wanted

12.A.a B.one C.some D.the

13.A.man B.woman C.doctor D.nurse

14.A.hers B.his C.taken D.wrong

15.A.and B.but C.or D.so

16.A.Seat1 B.Seat2 C.Seat3 D.Seat4

17.A.it bring B.to get C.to see D.to show

18.A.Why B.How C.When D.where

19.A.designs B.colors C.prices D.owners

20.A.I’m sad B.I’m sorry C.I’m wrong D.I’m worried



(来源:文章屋网 http://www.wzu.com)