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Andersen’s Most Encouraging Well-known Sayings


Nothing is too high for a man to reach, but he must climb with care and confidence.


To be of use to the world is the only way to be happy.


Every man’s life is a fairy tale written by God’s fingers.


Life is like a beautiful melody, only the lyrics are messed up.


Happy domestic life is like a beautiful summer’s evening; the heart is filled with peace, and everything around derives a peculiar glory.


Where words fail, music speaks.




安徒生出生在丹麦的一个城市,那里分为贫民区和富人区,。安徒生地家庭十分穷苦,小时候,他没有朋友,同龄孩子都经常嘲笑安徒生。,还称他为丑小鸭、爱哭鬼等,他爸爸室一位鞋匠,但很喜欢读书,给安徒生将了《一千零一夜》地故事,将莎士比亚的剧本,从此安徒生迷上了剧本与童话,每天都沉浸在自己地幻想当中,它想当一名歌唱家、演员、剧作家,便想方设法地来到了哥本哈根,经过多次碰壁。我看着他满怀希望地去当演员,但都被拒绝了,我看着他的嗓子被歌唱家看重,嗓子却又毁了,我看着他又去当剧作家,最后还是失败而归。我的心情一下子就到达了低谷,心里十分沉重,泪水不由自主地在眼眶里打转儿,令我十分惊异的是他竟然坚持下来了,好运气也随之到来,一位好心的先生西林把他送到一所教会学院去,安徒生虽然很认真,但仍然就经常被老师和同学嘲笑,我完全能体会出当时他内心的痛苦,但他仍然坚持下来了,他心中只有一个念头:让嘲笑见鬼去吧!安徒生爱上了写诗,但校长发现后,狠狠地吧安徒生批评了一顿,只因为他写的诗总是得不到好评,我不禁想:这个校长可真自私呀!安徒生的诗却得到了西林他们的肯定,他开始写诗歌、写小说了。他写的书卖得很快,那些为人却处处写诗来嘲笑他、打击他,我心想:为了自己的地位竟这样对待安徒生,但后来也不得不承认他写的好,但安徒生写上童话后,他又陷入了孤立无援地地步,他坚持下来,终于成了世界著名地童话家。读了这本书,我感慨万千,安徒生放纵梦想,忍受各方面地嘲笑,不停创作,终于在全世界流传。为什么他能写出这么优秀的作品?那是因为他拥有 丰富地想象力,为什么安徒生能坚持写童话?因为他有自信。是的,让嘲笑见鬼去,在生活中也是一样,只要你战胜了嘲笑与白眼,那么还有什么东西能抵挡我们前进的道路呢?



From very humble1 beginnings, Hans Christian Andersen became one of the world's best loved storytellers. The Emperor's New Clothes, Thumbelina, and The Ugly Duckling (小鸭) are the titles of children's stories that should ring a bell(大受欢迎) with all of us. His 156 different stories are the most translated fiction in history. Even now, 200 years after his death,his stories are being told and re-told all over the world.

Andersen was born in a one-room house in Odense, Denmark on April 2,1805.His father was a shoemaker and his mother had been a washerwoman before she married Hans' father.As for the facts about his family,Andersen wrote much about them in his autobiography (自传). His father died when Hans was only eleven years old. Young Andersen was wasting his time in school,daydreaming( 空想,白日梦 ) about the theater and the stories he would imagine.His mother sent him to work in a tailor's shop and later a tobacco factory to help support the family.Unhappy with these jobs,he left home at the age of fourteen to seek his fortune2 in Copenhagen.He nearly starved3 to death trying to earn a living as an artist, actor, dancer and singer.

Jonas Collin, a director of the Royal Theater and an influential (有影响的)govern- ment official, noticed Andersen when he was 17.Collin had read one of Andersen's plays and saw that the young man had talent (天才). Collin sent him to a school near Copenhagen and eventually arranged private tutoring(私人教师)in Copenhagen.In 1828,at age 23, Andersen entered university in Copenhagen. Andersen began to be published in Denmark in 1829.In 1833 the king gave him travel money and he spent16 months traveling through Germany,France,Switzerland and Italy.As Andersen traveled he wrote many books about his experiences. Andersen wrote three different books about his own life. Some of his plays were big hits in Denmark and Danish children still sing some of his poems set to(为……设置背景)music. His best known stories were published between 1835 and 1850. Some are his own creations and others are his re-tellingof previously known Danish folk tales(民间故事).

Andersen considered himself ugly all his life. He was tall and thin with a long nose. It was this self-view that inspired The Ugly Duckling. Andersen proposed(求婚) to several women during his life and was rejected4 by all of them.In spite of his lonely life he was able to create some of the most wonderful stories ever written. Andersen died on August 4, 1875.


1.humble adj.地位低下的

2.fortune n.好运,成功

3.starve vi.挨饿

4.reject vt.拒绝……的求婚




Like the Ugly Duckling, born in a humble[粗陋的]duck-yard yet destined to become a swan, Andersen was born in the city of Odense, where the family shared a single room. There was always food, but never quite enough; there were books on the shelf, but no money for grammar school.

Tall and gawky[笨拙的], ill at ease with other children, Andersen spent his time reading, dreaming, sewing costumes out of scraps[废料] for his puppet[木偶] theater, and haunting the doorway of the city’s theater whenever traveling players came to town. He began writing at an early age, but his true ambition was to perform on stage as an actor, dancer, or singer. In 1819, at the age of 14, he traveled alone to Copenhagen in search of his fame and fortune.

Despite the hardships he endured and the humiliations he suffered through, the young Andersen was thrilled to be on his way to a theatrical career… or, so he thought. He practiced scenes from famous plays, tried his hand at writing a tragedy, and began to study dance at the Royal Theater’s Ballet School. But, by the age of 17 his voice had changed; his gawky physique[体形] had proven unsuitable for ballet. He was dismissed from school, informed that he had no future on the stage.

Another youth than Andersen might have crumbled[崩溃] under this blow, but throughout his life he possessed a remarkable degree of confidence, and never lost faith in his worth, no matter how often he faced rejection.

With the help of Jonas Collin, a powerful court official and the financial director of the Royal Theater, Andersen was sent away to grammar school in the town of Slagelse for four years. After his return to Copenhagen, Andersen sat down in his little attic[阁楼] room and wrote his first book, A Walking Tour from the Holmen Canal to the Eastern Point of Anger. This clever and fantastical[幻想的] work, written when he was just 22, follows a young poet through the streets of Copenhagen, over the course of a single night. The book was a hit, quickly selling out its entire print run.

He began to write fairy tales at the age of 29, with great excitement. A volume containing his first four tales was published in May, 1835. Andersen wrote altogether 210 fairy tales during the course of his life. The tales were translated across Europe, then made their way around the world, making him the best-known Scandinavian writer of his age.

It could be quite impossible today to fully understand the sensation these little stories caused, for nothing quite like them had ever been seen in Danish literature. Across Europe the field of children’s fiction was still in its very early days, still dominated by dull stories, intended to teach and inculcate[劝导] moral values. Andersen’s magical tales were rich as chocolate cake after a diet of gruel[稀粥], and the narrative voice spoke familiarly and warmly to children, rather than preaching[布道] to them from on high. They are comical and cynical[讽刺的], rather than morally[道德上] instructive. And unlike the folk tales collected by the Grimms, set in distant lands once upon a time.Andersen set his tales in Copenhagen and other familiar, contemporary[当代的] settings, mixed fantastical descriptions with common ordinary ones, and invested everyday household objects with personalities and magic.

Even when you grow up, reading Andersen’s stories with abridged[删节的] and altered versions can be a surprising experience. He wrote children’s stories into which they carefully, skillfully embedded[内含的] comedy, social critique[批评], satire[讽刺文学], and philosophy aimed atreaders. He created tales that are read and loved and told anew by each new generation. His style still inspires writers, artists, and dramatists to this day.

In 1867, when he was 62 years old, Andersen returned to Odense. A choir[唱诗班] sang, and the entire city was illuminated[用彩灯装饰] in his honor. “Astar of fortune hangs above me, Andersen once wrote. “Thousands have deserved it more than I; often I cannot understand why this good should have been vouchsafed to me, among so many thousands. But if the star should set, even while I am penning these lines. Be it so still I can say it has shone, and I have received a rich portion[部分]. Andersen died in 1875. His stories live on.












